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Road Safety

Catholic Schools New South Wales and Transport for NSW (TfNSW) have a Funding Agreement which supports the NSW Road Safety Education in Schools Program in all NSW Catholic schools. Catholic Schools New South Wales works closely with the Centre for Road Safety within TfNSW to deliver professional learning for teachers and provide resources to schools to improve road user attitudes and behaviours.

While the Program is directed at students and teachers, road safety is clearly a shared responsibility, so Catholic schools work with their parents and the wider community to reinforce the Centre for Road Safety’s Key Road Safety Messages and campaigns.

The objectives of the NSW Road Safety Education Program in Schools are to:

  1. Develop road safety education resources for the use of teachers and students in NSW schools;
  2. Develop, implement and deliver a comprehensive and effective road safety education curriculum in NSW schools from K-12;
  3. Foster greater awareness of road safety issues among teachers, students, parents and members of school communities; and,
  4. Encourage behavioural change in children and young people through the development of knowledge, values, attitudes and behaviours that enable them to make better informed decisions as safe road users in order to reduce the incidence of injuries and deaths involving young people on NSW roads.

Catholic Schools New South Wales has assisted the Centre for Road Safety in its development of the K-6 resource, Safety Town, and its suite of secondary resources, On the Move.

In the NSW Catholic school sector, road safety education is co-ordinated by a Diocesan Road Safety Education Advisor. Click here for the list of contact details for the Diocesan Road Safety Reps

For more information on road safety education, visit the Centre for Road Safety.
