Aunty Ali Golding’s videos

My family

Purfleet Mission
Learning culture and spirituality

A black box and a white Box

School in Taree
Learning a new world


Strength through culture
Good times and hard times

Working in Education

Teaching the teachers
The Dreamtime story teller


A voice in our future
Our past leaders drive for change

The knowledge of Elders

Spirituality and leadership
The great Spirit

Aunty Ali Golding Biography

Ali Golding, a proud Biripi woman, grew up on an Aboriginal mission at Purfleet outside Taree and later lived on ‘The Block’ in Redfern for over 20 years.

In the 1980s, Ali was one of the first Aboriginal education assistants and in 2004, she gained her Diploma in Theology from Nungalinya College in Darwin, NT.

Her contributions to various local, national and international forums, including the the New South Wales Reconciliation Council and Australians for Native Title and Reconciliation, have helped to deepen public understanding of Indigenous culture and history.

In 2011, Aunty Ali was appointed inaugural Elder in Residence in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of NSW, supporting the training of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander doctors. 

In all that she shares so generously, Auntie Ali Golding reminds us how to stay connected and strong.