
Early reading skills develop through playing with rhyme, repetition and sounds.


1 min



  • Children are connected with and contribute to their world
  • Children are confident and involved learners
  • Children are effective communicators

NSW Syllabus Links:

  • Reads decodable texts aloud with automaticity. (ENE-REFLU-01)
  • Comprehends independently read texts using background knowledge, word knowledge and understanding of how sentences connect. (ENE-RECOM-01)

National Literacy Learning Progressions (LPs)



2 min

Literacy is best learned through everyday situations that are engaging, meaningful and fun.

Reading is the foundation for successful learning and occurs when we connect written ideas with our understanding of the world.

There are 5 components of reading:

  • Comprehension – making meaning from what you read
  • Phonemic awareness – hearing the sounds that make up words
  • Phonics – connecting the sounds and letters
  • Fluency – the flow of language
  • Vocabulary – a range of words

Rhythm and rhyme shared through nursery rhymes and repetition create an awareness of the sounds that make up the English language.


10 min

Some ideas for learning in the everyday

  • Sing songs and nursery rhymes and sing out the words that rhyme.
  • Read stories that rhyme (e.g. Each Peach Pear Plum) often and allow your child to guess the rhyming words.
  • Talk about the names and sounds of letters.
  • Play word games like ‘I spy’.
  • Read with your child and pay special attention to the sounds of words.



30 min

Reflect on your knowledge and practice

Consider the EYLF, NSW Syllabus and LPs:

  • Where have these children come from?
  • Where are you taking them?

Think about the learning that happens in your classroom that builds the knowledge and skills for reading.

What do you expect from the early learner?

What do you want parents to know about reading?

How is reading used across the curriculum?

Consider this skill – What are the connections between literacy and numeracy?

This is an opportunity to share what reading looks like in your classroom.


45 min

Engage in a learning conversation with parents

Suggested conversation starters:

  • Is there anything in the video that challenged your thinking about learning?
  • What foundational reading skills did you see in the video?
  • How are the children:
    • Practising their skills?
    • Testing their ideas?
    • Building their knowledge?
  • What opportunity can you create or do you have at home that develops reading?